Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Zhi yang: case study of Guardian


The shooting broke out during lunch hour in columbine school. At least 8 schoolchildren were wounded and two suspects stayed inside school to take control of building. The next day, it was confirmed 15 people died including the two murders. The report analyzed that how these two teenagers turned to the ruthless culprits. The investigators found their daily diaries under their bed, which reveal their preoccupation with hilter and violence inclination. President Clinton announced the plan to curb the use of guns. Bills have been passed to limit the purchase of guns.


1 the audience seems to be local people where guardian can cover. A couple of times, guardian compares American education system with the British. The words “in Britain---but America ------the local tv channel” can prove that.

2 the villains are Eric Harris and Dylan.

3 there isn’t any hero emerge from the shooting. Everyone inside the school run for their lives.

Guardian chooses more simpler and understanding words than Times. Besides, guardian’s article length is much shorter compared to Times. Furthermore, it appears that guardian didn’t quite catch up with the newest trend of the news.

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