Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Explication of differences between newspapers. jaewon

Although papers have common factors in terms that they deal with the news, they also have the different way of sending their news articles to readers. Here, I introduce some of that I've found through this class.
Diffenency lay on the point where each news paper focus. In case of Guardian articles, they deal with the story honestily, which means they
try to inform this cruel accident which happened to Columbine high
school to the readers in a organized way and time order for the purpose
of reporting story. Therefore, they use some writing skills such as
contradiction as in the " Laughing as they killed:...",wrritten at 4.22.1999. Here the story begins with peaceful scene like "a fine spring day ....the mood around the table was buoyant,. holidaylike"before this massacre happened. As the story moved forward, it turned around from its former view, introducing what really happened to this peaceful.This contradiction method is efficient because it wanted to readers to
concentrate its detailed story. This newspaper is helpful for the people
who want to know the accident clearly because they don't know anything.
Unlike this , NYT focus on some part of the accident. This avoid general information. This told story from the some aspects as if they think the reader have already contacted the general story from somewhere else, so , is 's enough for them to focus on some different point. From the article" The suspects... " written at 4.23.1999, this dipicted the suspects confusily by interviewing several students who have opposite memories about suspects unlike guardian which traced them why they did by analising material evidences. They introduced their opinion and facts differently by comparing students' memory. In case of the article "responsibility:..." , NYT also compare two groups which have different point of view about the issue "should parents br responsible for their kid's wrong doing. NYT access to the matter not directily. It tried to keep nutral position comparing the possible opinion groups. Then, they place their opinion about which group might be more pursuasive or as third position.

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