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New York Times
summary 1.
The authorities took the dead bodies of 15 people out of the school in the evening. Among them, two gunmen who committed this cruel massacre were included. Although the reason why they did this unhuman thing was not revealed, investigators were sure that they took more than 1 year to commit this crime after finding many arsnals at school and at their home. In addition, in terms that they were called to trench coat mafia, investigatoes were focusing on there were more complices who helped their plan at that time. On the massacre day, some students who were at school at that day said that gunmen seemed to enjoy that moment and show their excitment when they shot other classmates. Due to this massacre, organizations like National Rifle Association started to reduce and step back their opinions which prevent state from narrowing their position. However, they also argued that if there were safe guard armed, this cruel accident couldn't be developed, without knowing that there gun conflict between gunmen and armed guards.
1. The audience is all americans. I can't find any word which represent some group of people. Especiaaly, the matter of handling gun is only issue in the U.S.
2. Two gunmen, Harry and Klebold, are villans. They did one of the most
cruel crime even at high school as students.
3.There no heros in this article. I hope all the people be a hero from this moment.
4. Main differences are the way it describe the accident. It lead the story from the mant points of views. It doesn't focus on some part.
summary 2
Since the columbine massacre happened a week ago, new dispute about the parents' responsibility were ignited.Some laywers and gov. Bill Owens
argued that the killer's parents should be responsible for the wrong behavior of their kids. In fact, many states including Colorado states that parents have responsibility for the crime committed by their children even in case they didn't expect that before happening. In that case, charge is less than killing sentenses.
Opposite opinion was also strong. They argue that critical evidence is necessary to send parents to jail. Just finding bomb materials and bad web site was not enough to prove them to be related to the crime.
1. Main audiences seemed to be parents and expected parents. It is talking about the range of parents' responsibility. There ,parents need to read this article.
2. There's no villan in here. According to the future result, parents can be included in the list of villans.
3. There's no heroes in this article. There 's teo parts who are arguing each other.
4. Difference is that NYT doesn't mention the point directly. It tries to keep the nutral position.
summary 3
The two gunmen were known for having hatred toward the minorities and athletes. people belive this might be the factors they committed this crime.However, they used to get along with minorities like Asians and blacks and they also was a athletes according to their former friends before these two gunmen moved to Colorado. They said that Harry and klebold, two gunmen, were intelligent stydents. However, according to classmates at columbine school where they attended after moving here,
they saw two men doing a little strange things such as sating " I kill you", carrying the guns out side school. They remembered two gunmen as the students who liked computer and members of group called mafia. Among these two opposite statements from their classmates, investigators were narrowing the motives of this crime to the influence of internet. They obtained the evidences that show how gunmen get the instructions about how to make bombs and how they were influnced by bad website through internet.
1. Parent and school authorities must read this article. They are the audiences.
2. Villans are two gunmen.
3.There's a no heroes. The people appered in this article were just tring to find evidences after this happened.
4. The process is sophicated and it shows the opinions from the various point of views unlike other papers.
The notes written by one of the gunmen,Harris, was found by police. According to the note, he had disliked student and teachers because he thought they looked down on him. on note, he wrote he was going to kill his classmates and teacher just because of that reason. in addition, it was revealed that police didn't do the instant action when they heard complaint from gunmen's neighborhood,Brown. He noticed harry exploded bombs and writingdowns threating to others from internet.He complaint that although he reported that to the police, they never did the follow up actions.
1. All americans is th e audience. It is solving many questions among people.
2. In this article, plice can be regarded as villains. In spite of they received warning report , they didn't do appropriate action.
3. I can's find any heros. Even in case of Brown, he should have trid more and try another thing.
4. This article tell the story directly and boldly unlike NYT. I can't understand it easily.
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