Sunday, February 10, 2008

zhi yang: case study of columbine shooting

New York Times

At about 11:30 am, two gunmen fired semiautomatic weapons at students and teachers and tossed explosives. About 3 pm, police evacuate the building and looked for gunmen. Gunmen are reported to process disdain for minor group and athletes, but have no mental illness. People who’ve known these men didn’t consider they are threats. Students who survived the massacre express their anger, shock, sadness at the mass killing. President Clinton addressed the nation should focus on praying for the victim’s family.


1: the audience seems to be the whole nation. The opening in the story “in the deadliest school massacre in the national’s history” indicates that the report is dedicated to the nation.

2 Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold are villains. They appear even because they are considered having no inclination to such horrible violence.

3 there is no real hero. No one including the school guard can stop the gunmen.

The times differ from the post the way the words are used. For the most part, the time newspaper uses formal and neutral vocabulary, unlike post using excessive emotional words. The time report hardly includes author’s personal feeling, and the story is related much more justly. In contrast, the post appears to be much bias than the time.

Time's article about memorizations:

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